Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lemon time

Here is a recipe for a scrumptious lemon drizzle cake. Lemon cake is always something I neglect to bake, so this was a refreshing change (especially good if you want to try something new).
My two tips are:
1. Definitely make sure the cake has completely cooled before taking it out of the tin - as I couln't wait and ended up getting the drizzle everywhere.
2. It really will take over 45 minutes to cook thoroughly (check with a clean knife) so leave it in the oven for the specified time.

Happy Baking!

Pre Raphaelite Love

Currently doing my art project on 'Myths and Legends' I have begun to research the Pre-Raphelites. Their elgance in painting has really astounded me and with my research the stories behind each painting are mesmorising.
 A few of my favourite examples:

Sons & Lovers

This is one of my absolute favourite songs, its not available for download on iTunes yet as the band is still relatively small. I first heard the song on Made in Chelsea and haven't stopped listening since.

Fingers crossed it will be out to buy soon. Have a little listen!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Macaroons are the new cupcake

Above is the recipe from which I made my macaroons. I found the trick with them is not in the baking, ( as anything with almonds in always tastse delicious is my opinion ) it's getting them symmetrical.

First time I made them they tasted lovely ( which is why I urge you all to have a go) but looked messy. Second attempt, I was reasonably happy with my almost circular macaroons. Sofar, I have just added food colouring in many different colours - making them look gorgeous atleast. I am soon to enter the world as flavourings though with vanilla, choloate and orange, rose and pistachio. - Just some of the flavours I wish to have a go at.

Fear not if you can't get round macaroons: I have been notified that Lakelands are bringing out a tray to help you achieve perfectly round macaroons (ingenious) - I will keep you posted.

Have a go!

Butterfly S/S12

The butterfly print seems to be popular on the high street this spring. I have chosen to invest in a scarf from new look ( only £2.99!!) the beautiful colours in the scarf mean that I can wear it with virtually anything. Also a top from H&M
Biscuit (Stone ) Butterfly Print Scarf | 240147515 | New Look


Starting with a little bit about me; art, fashion and baking are parts of my life so alot of these subjets will be written about often. Hopefully a bit more to follow in my next blogs.