Thursday 5 July 2012

Good enough to eat

'Punky Allsorts' has caught my eye recently, launching its new clothing range via ambassador Binky Felstead. Their quirky and bright jewellery designs are perfect for summer (and any occasion for that matter). Ideal for gifts - lookout friends that's all you'll be getting for the next five years.

Affordable yet individual, the key to great style.  

Monday 2 July 2012


Really liking this bands sound at the moment, something a bit different that captivates you. (Especially liking Edith Wharton) Check them out people!


Realised I haven't posted in a long time, so what better time to restart (properly this time) on blogging. I just had to share this amazing artist with someone, truly incredible! Hope you enjoy Pedro Campos' work...

Hyperrealistic Paintings by Pedro Campos 20 Hyperrealistic Paintings by Pedro Campos